Faculty Instructions for Submitting Grant Proposals
Step 1: Identifying Sources
To begin the process for applying for funding opportunities, you must first determine the agency and grant to which you will be applying.
As you are researching different types of funding opportunities, you will find that there are two categories in which your grant will fall:
Intramural: | Funding available through the University of California, Irvine.
Extramural: | Funding from any other source outside the University of California, Irvine. This includes
funding from the University of California Office of the President (UCOP), National
Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, etc.
To apply for either type of funding, please coordinate with your Department Manager.
Step 2: The Application Process
When applying for a grant, you will need to contact your appropriate department manager at least one month prior to the grant application due date to begin the application/proposal process. Your department manager will work with you on the pre-award details for your grant (budget, budget justification, compilation of proposal components) and provide extramural university application cover materials.
All UC Irvine grant proposals must be submitted through the UCI Sponsored Projects Office. This is accomplished via the Social Sciences Contracts and Grants Office and your department manager.
Melissa Valdez
Department Manager
Ext. 4-7602
Chicano/Latino Studies
Debbie Michel
Department Manager
Ext. 4-1424
Cognitive Sciences
Clara Schultheiss
Department Manager
Ext. 4-7569
Katie Swindell
Department Manager
Ext. 4-5788
Global and International Studies
Jessica Cañas-Castañeda
Department Manager
Ext. 4-0151
Language Science and LPS
Olga Dunaevsky
Department Manager
Ext. 4-8851
Political Science
Department Manager
Ext. 4-2540
Sociology and DASA
Alysha Casado
Department Manager
Ext. 4-6800
Step 3: Notification of Awards
You will be notified directly by the granting office concerning any awards. Please
forward any information received to the Social Sciences Contracts and Grants Office
to facilitate the account.
You will receive notification of awards through the Social Sciences Contracts and
Grants Office.
Occasionally, faculty receiving grants are contacted directly by the funding agency regarding awards. If this occurs, please contact Jin Chae to let her know you have received notification.
After receiving notification of your award, you will need to schedule a meeting with an account manager to fill out the necessary paperwork required to receive funds.
Your EXTRAMURAL award is not official until you have received an award synopsis. DO NOT begin working on your funded project or begin spending funds until you have received your award synopsis and subsequent account number from Shelly. You will NOT be reimbursed for any funds spent prior to receiving your account number.
Step 4: Using Your Funds
Funds must be spent in accordance with your proposal and proposal budget and must follow University policies and procedures and/or federal and agency guidelines.
Funds are made available through a direct transfer to the Social Sciences Contracts
and Grants Office.
Monetary awards are made directly to the university, and distributed through the Sponsored
Projects Administration Office (SPA).
Step 5: Post-Award Details
You will receive a monthly statement detailing your account activity for all funds. If you have questions at any point in the post-award phase, please contact the following:
Cory Castro-Wintringer
Sr. Financial Analyst
(949) 824-3898
responsible for:
- Cognitive Sciences
- Economics
- Logic & Philosophy of Science
Liz Robison
Sr. Financial Analyst
(949) 824-2909
responsible for:
- Chicano/Latino Studies
- Language Science
- Sociology
Warda Bzeih
Sr. Financial Analyst
(949) 824-2994
responsible for:
- Anthropology
- Global & International Studies
- Political Science
Need an expert? Contact Jin Chae, jin.chae@uci.edu.