Looking for opportunities to fund your research? The Research Development team can help. Please take a few minutes to review the following information. If you need assistance, please contact Holly Hapke, hhapke@uci.edu.
Faculty & Graduate Students | Undergraduate Students
Faculty & Graduate Students
Pivot offers a searchable database of 25,000 records representing over 400,000 individual funding opportunities from numerous sponsors across all disciplines. UCSB faculty, students, and staff can create accounts and sign up for personalized e-mail funding alerts based on previously specified criteria provided by the individual Pivot user.
The centralized, searchable Grants.gov site is a clearing-house for over 900 grant programs from the 26 federal grant-making
agencies. Several e-mail alert features are available.
Foundation Center
The Foundation Center is a resource for searching nonprofits and potential funding opportunities they offer.
The site provides several newsletters including the Philanthropy News Digest and a
weekly RFP Bulletin.
Federal Agencies
Many of the federal agencies offer e-mail alerts including NSF, NIH, and the EPA.
UCI Office of Research Funding Opportunities Search Tool
Intramural Opportunities
- Bridge Funding
- Council on Research, Computing and Library Resources
- Faculty Cultural Research Grants
- Multi-Investigator Faculty Research Grants
- Organized Research Units
- Research and Graduate Studies
- Research Seed Funding Program
- Single Investigator Innovation Grants
Undergraduate Students
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) in the Division of Undergraduate Education encourages and facilitates research and creative activities by undergraduates from
all schools and academic disciplines at UCI. Research opportunities are available
not only from every discipline, interdisciplinary program, and school, but also from
many outside agencies, including national laboratories, industrial partners, and other
universities. UROP offers assistance to students and faculty through all phases of
the research process, whether it is with proposal writing, developing research plans
through project management skills, awarding grants to fund research projects, scholarly
journal writing through The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal, or presenting results of the research or creative project through the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. This experience provides students with the necessary skills to succeed in their
future careers. Conducting research and creative activities should be an integral
component of the education undergraduates receive at UCI, regardless of their career
The Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) provides funding for UCI undergraduates from all disciplines who are conducting summer
research projects or creative activities under the guidance of UCI faculty members.
The program offers students the opportunity to become immersed in a research topic
for a full-time ten-week period, or the equivalent of 400 hours.